Austere Emergency Care Courses
The Austere Emergency Care course consists of the basic and advanced tracks. They are complementary and can run concurrently, with many common educational objectives and shared scenarios. These courses consist of both an online training platform with a pre- and post-test, followed by a 4-day in-person experience. Completion of both portions constitutes the 40-hour continuing education “AEC course.”
AEC – Basic Life Support Course
Designed for the Basic Life Support – level responder, this course will build on the solid foundation of basic patient care skills and abilities and add those critical and enabling skills to enhance patient survivability over time.
In some cases, when paired with an Advanced provider, the AEC responder will provide the second crucial set of hands to enable critical care over time. This course generates the force multipliers on the team.
AEC – Advanced Course
Designed for advanced providers (AEMT/paramedic and above), this course trains the practitioner to apply advanced clinical decision making skills and expands on a broad foundation of knowledge.
By applying advanced and crucial monitoring, diagnostics and resuscitation as close to the point of injury or illness, our goal is to enhance survivability and decrease risk through evidence-based best practices in the most austere situations. This is the skill set the austere provider has been searching for to enable survivability of the most critical patients over time.
AEC-Advanced is currently eligible for Fellowship in the Academy of Wilderness Medicine (FAWM) credits.
“This course combined our previous experiences, added things outside or at the fringe of our comfort zone, tied them together, and set us up to succeed in austere places. I would absolutely take this again.” – AEC Student
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